1.This software has been used to complete digitized task of logging data of 1500 wells to increase efficiency greatly.
2.As you build the new architecture, this time presents an ideal opportunity to insert redundancy and increase efficiency.
3.We implement technology to increase efficiency while tailoring our services to the special needs of each of our client stations.
4.Do not solve the problem of management and control of the dangers may cause, and cost saving for enterprises to increase efficiency.
5.Libraries have already begun to adopt cloud services to alleviate their IT departments and increase efficiency.
6.What would they think of a young administrator with no hospital experience telling them how to improve quality and increase efficiency?
7.Computers that are more powerful make possible simulations that are more accurate and can reduce cost and increase efficiency.
8.The broadcast nature of wireless is thus a feature rather than a bug: it can save energy, increase efficiency and nurture new ideas.
9.One lever for sustainability is to increase efficiency of resource consumption by adding smartness to the metering devices.
10.to fully tap the business computer network resources, the benefits of information technology to achieve reduced to increase efficiency.